TN Paper Council

Tennessee Paper Industry
Paper is an essential part of our everyday lives:
Tennessee’s paper industry contributes significantly to the state and local economies. The value of goods and services produced directly by the paper industry totals $8.5 billion annually, and the industry adds $2.6 billion in value to the raw materials it uses. The paper industry’s total output is estimated to be $14 billion.
In addition to the direct employment of tens of thousands of Tennesseans, the paper industry helps create thousands of additional jobs in industries such as trucking and heavy equipment sales and operation, and for numerous independent contractors.
The Tennessee Paper Council is composed of companies in the paper industry with manufacturing operations or land holdings in Tennessee. The Council is an affiliate of the Tennessee Forestry Association. Member companies include:
· Domtar Corporation
· Evergreen Packaging
· Georgia-Pacific Corporation
· Hood Container
· International Paper
· Packaging Corporation of America
· Resolute Forest Products
· WestRock Corporation